13 November 2007

Forum Posting

In response to our current poll, hercules mulligan writes:

Hmmm. Interesting poll. I think that Hamiltonian Federalism has contributed toward our Constitutional ideals more than Jeffersonian Republicanism, however, our nation has drifted away from the original intent of our Constitution by ideals presented by Jeffersonian Republicanism (i.e., that our Revolution and the French Revolution were commenced for the same reasons, that America is a democracy, and not necessarily a govt of law; and that the state govts have the right to disobey the federal govt any time they see fit).

Hamiltonian Federalism was not opposed to the people having a say in their govt., nor was it opposed to the states being sovereign in their own affairs. America, in its present state, commemorates Jefferson rightly, because it was he that convinced us that we are a democracy. Maybe he never envisioned the end result, but Hamilton did, and knew that it is tyranny, and we are heading toward that road today.

If we had heeded the warnings given to us by Hamilton and Washington (i.e., don't get involved in foreign politics, defend yourselves against the onslaughts of atheism, beware of the philosophy of human perfectibility (outside of Christ), try to avoid civil war and secession from the Union, preserve the sanctity of the Constitution even when it is unpopular, etc.) than perhaps the Constitution might have seen a more prolonged genuine rule.

1 comment:



You have valuable incite re Hamilton, and our early history!

We have just posted "Vast Left-Wing", Part I & II, and I'd deem it
an honor if you would comment. reb